Works | Florian Jenett Recent works feed. en <![CDATA[TVTVTV]]>


Custom software, Mac, TV, TV-receivers

TVTVTV is an ever changing self portrait of TV signals.

Exhibition view at show "Möbel Kaiser", 2012

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<![CDATA[Architectures of True and False]]>

Open studios, 2012

Architectures of True and False

Architectures of True and False
Pseudo-ArtSec, UV-paint printed on acrylic mounted on aluminum-dibond
47,5 x 157 cm

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At the museum


Digital drawings, laser printed on various office papers

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<![CDATA[One Perfect Cube - Making of]]>

Florian Jenett -

One Perfect Cube - Making of

One Perfect Cube

The work "One Perfect Cube" consists of three synchronized clocks that form a sign every 12 hours for exactly one second.

Florian Jenett - One Perfect Cube - 2010

When working with complex systems – which in a way a clock can be thought of as, looking at all it's possible 43200 constellations within 12 hours – the main focus has to be put on finding or shaping the right development tools first. To be able to try different symbols and texts to embed into "One Perfect Cube" a custom layout software was built in Processing. It allows one to freely place, scale and adjust time on a multitude of clocks. Every time a clock is added or changed the software would check for possible collisions between the clocks and would arrange the clocks on different yet as few as possible layers to allow the hands of two clocks to pass one another. A virtual master clock can be used to test the sculpture at different times.

Excerpt from the catalogue text "Tilt! or As time goes by" by Christoph Schütte:

[...], “One Perfect Cube” appears as a pure form at first glance, as an animated drawing undergoing a perpetual metamorphosis, whose creator is not quite sure about which shape it is finally going to take. Or, in fact, what it was once before. How is one to know? The image is structured by nine lines, conceived from the hands of three clocks, three lines of which move across the face at one time, tick-tock, according to the same congruent rhythm, as it were, seemingly culminating in clear, minimalist forms before they get condensed into compact bodies, tick-tock, only to disintegrate promptly into particles that are chaotic, or simply light as a feather and somewhat highly poetic. A new image with every second. With each one of these utterly abstract images doubling up as a kind of memento mori.

The very obvious movement of the hands, the never ending metamorphosis of the drawing leaves no doubt about that. Like wilted tulips or a broken glass in a Baroque painting. Only that in Jenett’s originally and formally strict drawing of a garden a new surprising, at times wondrous, flower appears every single moment, no matter how short it may be. Only to disappear again in a flash. Just once, every 12 hours in fact, resembling the precision of clockwork, the original image, the actual motif is depicted in the shape of a cube, a stable geometrical form that as such, one is tempted to say, successfully withstands the metamorphoses of time and also the world. And is, tick-tack, gone.

Admittedly, not 12 hours, not 24 or even 48 sufficed to capture the image as such in its perpetual action of finding and losing itself, of consolidation and dissolution, of growth and decay, which never stops time, but changes with every new moment. Fresh and rather beautiful to behold, something that is graphically inscribed in it, and just like the drawing as a pure form and a self-contained system continues on its daily rounds. And, in so doing, unhinges itself like linear time at the drop of a hat. [...]

Time lapse recording showing the work over a 24 hour time span.

The work is currently (August 9 – September 18, 2010) on view at 1822 Forum in Frankfurt, Germany.

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<![CDATA[One Perfect Cube]]>

One Perfect Cube

One Perfect Cube
Three synchronized clocks, metal framing, master clock
120 x 120 x 20 cm

Florian Jenett - One Perfect Cube - 2010

[...], “One Perfect Cube” appears as a pure form at first glance, as an animated drawing undergoing a perpetual metamorphosis, whose creator is not quite sure about which shape it is finally going to take. Or, in fact, what it was once before. How is one to know? The image is structured by nine lines, conceived from the hands of three clocks, three lines of which move across the face at one time, tick-tock, according to the same congruent rhythm, as it were, seemingly culminating in clear, minimalist forms before they get condensed into compact bodies, tick-tock, only to disintegrate promptly into particles that are chaotic, or simply light as a feather and somewhat highly poetic. A new image with every second. With each one of these utterly abstract images doubling up as a kind of memento mori.

The very obvious movement of the hands, the never ending metamorphosis of the drawing leaves no doubt about that. Like wilted tulips or a broken glass in a Baroque painting. Only that in Jenett’s originally and formally strict drawing of a garden a new surprising, at times wondrous, flower appears every single moment, no matter how short it may be. Only to disappear again in a flash. Just once, every 12 hours in fact, resembling the precision of clockwork, the original image, the actual motif is depicted in the shape of a cube, a stable geometrical form that as such, one is tempted to say, successfully withstands the metamorphoses of time and also the world. And is, tick-tack, gone.

Admittedly, not 12 hours, not 24 or even 48 sufficed to capture the image as such in its perpetual action of finding and losing itself, of consolidation and dissolution, of growth and decay, which never stops time, but changes with every new moment. Fresh and rather beautiful to behold, something that is graphically inscribed in it, and just like the drawing as a pure form and a self-contained system continues on its daily rounds. And, in so doing, unhinges itself like linear time at the drop of a hat. [...]

Excerpt from the catalogue text "Tilt! or As time goes by" by Christoph Schütte. Full catalogue is available here.

The time lapse video below shows the work within a 24 hour time frame.

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PVC covered tarpaulin, blower, fixing
12.5 x 12.5 x 11 meters

Text by Zylvia Auerbach

Die Skulptur Lookahead besteht aus einer aufblasbaren Radarkuppel mit einem Durchmesser von 12,5 Metern.

Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Strategien der Projektion des Zukünftigen und deren Auswirkungen auf Entscheidungen im Jetzt. Die Form der Kuppel vereint dazu zwei sehr gegensätzliche Haltungsmöglichkeiten.

Kugel- und Kuppelbauten begegnen uns oft als Versinnbildlichung von etwas Größerem wie beispielsweise als Himmelsdach in sakralen Bauten (Kirchen, Moscheen) oder als architektonischer Gegenentwurf in Zukunftsszenarien und Utopien (Biosphere, Buckminster Fuller, Domehouse Bewegung). Als begehbare Räume stellen diese Bauten die Besucher ins Zentrum. Sie sind Orte der Gemeinschaft, der Geborgenheit und zugleich Orte der Konzentration und des Ausblicks. Im ihrem Inneren kann man von einem Ort aus alle Seiten der Kuppel sehen. Jeder Blick trifft immer auf die allumspannende Aussenhaut und wird damit zu einem Blick auf das große Ganze. Dieses Voraugenführen eines fernen Ziels dient als Leitlinie für das Handeln im Jetzt.

Als funktionale technische Anlagen sind Kugel- und Kuppelformen auch bei Gastanks, Atomkraftwerken oder Radaranlagen zu finden. Meist sind diese Orte gar nicht oder nur einem kleinem Kreis zugänglich, sie werden also hauptsächlich als künstliche Artefakte im Landschaftsbild wahrgenommen. Die in einer Radarkuppel enthaltene Radaranlage dient, einem Auge gleich, der konstanten und aktiven Überwachung des um sie befindlichen Luftraums. Um ungewissen Ereignissen begegnen zu können wird unaufhörlich im näheren Umfeld nach deren Anzeichen gesucht. Diese Form der aktiven abwartenden Kontrolle ist natürlich eine Maßnahme der Sicherheit und Vorsicht, sie versinnbildlicht aber auch eine Strategie bei der erst reagiert wird, sobald die Ereignisse unmittelbar bevor stehen und eine Handlung zwingend notwendig wird.

Die Kuppel von Lookahead ist ein Nachbau einer von der Bundeswehr während des Kalten Krieges auf der Wasserkuppe (Rhön) betriebenen Radaranlage. Sie setzt sich aus einem quasi-zufälligen Facettenmuster zusammen, das einen Kompromiss zwischen funktionalen Eigenschaften und den Ansprüchen des Radars darstellt. Es ist von Vorteil die Kuppel aus möglichst gleichen Teilen zu konstruieren, denn dies begünstigt sowohl die Herstellung als auch den Transport. Gleiche Teile bedeuten allerdings auch gleiche Kanten, welche von manchen Radartypen als Störfrequenz erfasst werden. Das von der Firma ESSCO entwickelte Facettenmuster enthält zwei sehr gegensätzliche Elemente: zwischen regelmäßig platzierten Pentagrammen scheinen sich abstrakte Schmetterlinge frei zu bewegen. Aus rein rationellen Gründen entstand eine Form, deren Interpretationsmöglichkeiten die Kuppel zu einer industriellen Skulptur machen.

Florian Jenett, 2009

Günter Ganzevoort Airdesign, Kraiburg Relastek, Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt

Photos: Cem Yücetas

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<![CDATA[PATRON, Installation view]]>

PATRON, Installation view

Video: Cem Yücetas

Installation view of Phishing At The River Of News recorded on 2010-03-02 from Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

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<![CDATA[Phishing At The River Of News]]>

Phishing At The River Of News

Phishing At The River Of News

Phishing At The River Of News
CRT computer screens, multiple video splitters, computer, custom software
- dimensions variable -
2009 –

The installation “Phishing At The River Of News” is composed of a series of used CRT computer monitors of different brands, all of which have been arranged on the ground screen-by-screen and positioned on their backs. All monitors display one and the same image, produced by software that runs in the background. The image is a constantly changing pattern formed by multiples of just one Internet banner ad at a given time, which is downloaded live. The banners are taken from the home pages of more than 9000+ international news portals that are continuously read out by the software in the background.

The ad banners – live and unfiltered Internet downloads – convey a most extensive spread of content shown anywhere in the world at this very moment. Viewed from a distance, the shape and color of the ads dissolves, merging the individual screens into a single flickering, continuously changing overall image. By displaying Christmas motifs alongside ads for summer holidays, election campaigns or appeals for donations to the Haiti earthquake victims the elements also make concrete reference to everyday life. They reflect temporal and regional as well as cultural and social events of individual countries and regions.

Die Installation „Phishing At The River Of News“ besteht aus einer Reihe von gebrauchten Computer-Röhrenmonitoren verschiedenster Fabrikate, die Bildfläche neben Bildfläche sowie auf ihren Rückseiten liegend auf dem Boden arrangiert sind. Die Monitore zeigen alle das gleiche Bild, welches von einer im Hintergrund laufenden Software erzeugt wird. Zu sehen sind wechselnde Muster aus je einem Internet-Werbebanner, der live geladen wird. Die Banner stammen von den Startseiten von über 9000+ internationalen Newsportalen, die von der Software kontinuierlich im Hintergrund ausgelesen werden.

Die Werbebanner - live und ungefiltert aus dem Internet heruntergeladen - transportieren die unterschiedlichsten Inhalte, die gerade in diesem Moment irgendwo auf der Welt beworben werden. Aus der Distanz betrachtet lösen sich diese Anzeigen in Form und Farbe auf, so dass sich die einzelnen Bildschirmoberflächen zu einem sich stetig verändernden, flimmernden Gesamtbild zusammenfügen. Indem neben Weihnachtsmotiven Werbeanzeigen für Sommerreisen oder Spendenaufrufe für die Erdbebenopfer in Haiti erscheinen, verweisen die Elemente gleichzeitig aber auch ganz konkret auf das alltägliche Leben. Sie spiegeln sowohl zeitliche und regionale als auch kulturelle und soziale Ereignisse der einzelnen Länder und Regionen wider.

Video: Cem Yücetas
Installation view, shot on 2010-03-02 in Frankfurt am Main

Installation video, detail video 2, detail video 3

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<![CDATA[1t ct]]>

1t ct

1t ct
434,782 eurocents (4347.82 €), big bag, Europool palettes
100 x 100 x 80 cm

The piece “1t ct” (one ton of eurocents) is formally composed of a heavy-duty bulk bag (FIBC or big bag) designed for a weight of one ton that has been filled with one ton of eurocents worth EUR 4,347.82.

FIBC bags (flexible intermediate bulk containers) are used mainly for the processing of bulk materials and can be found across a wide range of industries. On building sites they are filled with either sand or gravel, while farmers employ them for storing grain and forage. Just like these goods, euro coins are industrially mass-produced. However, from among the range of coins only the nominal value of the 1-cent coin reflects its actual manufacturing cost, alongside its material value and weight.

The sculpture is, by its form, suggestive of interpreting money as a construction material and a means that enables creativity. Yet in our imagination we immediately compute the coins’ nominal value, even if it would not be as readily available to us in reality. Only the emitter, namely the Central Bank, is obliged to accept such a large amount of coins; moreover, moving a full ton is a tough job at any rate. In large quantities the form of the coin therefore deactivates the money’s function, placing additional emphasis on its materiality.

The 434,782 cents are a mixture of part new and part circulation coinage. Many of them were issued in other European countries and many show visible signs of wear. Even so, these singularities disappear in the shuffle, merging instead into a shimmering mass. The different shades blend into one single image; they become one color, one structure. Individual coins get lost in the tangle and are thus no longer perceived as such. Items of money are transformed into small copperplates.

Formal besteht die Arbeit "1t ct" (eine Tonne Eurocents) aus einem für das Gewicht von einer Tonne ausgelegten Schwerlast-Transportsack (FIBC oder auch Bigbag) gefüllt mit einer Tonne Eurocents im Gegenwert von 4347,82 Euro.

FIBC-Säcke (Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers) werden hauptsächlich für die Verarbeitung von Schüttgütern verwendet und sind in vielen Industriezweigen zu finden. Auf Baustellen findet man sie mit Sand oder Kies gefüllt, in der Landwirtschaft lagern darin Korn oder Futtermittel. Genauso wie diese Waren sind auch die Euromünzen industriell gefertigte Massengüter. Von all diesen Münzen spiegelt aber nur die 1 Cent Münze ihren tatsächlichen Herstellungspreis, und somit auch Materialwert und Gewicht, im Nennwert wider.

Durch ihre Form legt die Skulptur eine Sichtweise auf Geld als Baumaterial, als Mittel zum Erschaffen, nahe. In unserer Vorstellung gehen wir dabei sofort mit dem nominellen Wert der Münzen um, der allerdings in der Realität so nicht direkt verfügbar wäre. Nur der Emitter, die Zentralbank, ist verpflichtet Münzen in dieser Menge anzunehmen und eine Tonne lässt sich ohnehin nicht so leicht bewegen. In dieser Menge deaktiviert also die Münzform in gewisser Weise die Funktion des Geldes und unterstreicht somit zusätzlich die Materialität.

Die 434782 Cents bestehen teils aus neuen Münzen und teils aus Umlaufgeld. Viele wurden von anderen europäischen Ländern ausgegeben und viele haben sichtbare Spuren des Gebrauchs. Diese Einzigartigkeiten gehen jedoch in der Menge unter und fügen sich zu einer schillernden Masse zusammen. Die unterschiedlichen Schattierungen fügen sich in ein Bild ein, werden zu einer Farbe, einer Struktur. Die darin enthaltene einzelne Münze verliert sich im Gewirr und entzieht sich damit auch der Warnehmung. Aus den Geldstücken werden Kupferplättchen.

Florian Jenett, 2009

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<![CDATA[Adding Up Our Differences]]>

Adding Up Our Differences

Adding Up Our Differences
Website at
ongoing since 2006

A website ( with a compilation of photographs of protests and demonstrations predominantly taken from the Internet forms the core of the ongoing work “Adding Up Our Differences”. Every photograph is stored along with the text (in English) displayed on the banners of the demonstration documented in the picture. This structure makes it possible to search for protesters’ placards on the basis of the texts featured on them. The result of such a search is a bunch of statements and opinions grouped under a particular search key. Just like a public opinion barometer they indicate the connotations carried by the particular search term.

Some of the search results from the database are given the visual form of an installation. In this case, one bundle of search results at a time is turned into an animation loop that is projected onto a surface, which corresponds to the sum of the placards. In this installation-based form the texts have been extracted from the photographs and thus taken out of their original context. Arranged in several levels above one another, the texts in each bundle are aligned in the central term that is common to them all.

Den Kern der fortlaufenden Arbeit „Adding Up Our Differences“ bildet eine Internetseite (, in der Fotografien von Protesten und Demonstrationen, die hauptsächlich aus dem Internet stammen, gesammelt werden. Jede Fotografie wird mit dem, meist englischsprachigen, Text, der auf den Schildern der im Bild dokumentierten Demonstration zu lesen ist abgelegt. So gegliedert lässt sich nach Protestplakaten anhand des darauf abgebildeten Textes suchen. Als Ergebnis einer solchen Suche entsteht ein Strauß von Aussagen und Meinungen, die im jeweiligen Suchbegriff gebündelt sind. Diese zeigen – wie bei einem ein Stimmungsbarometer –, wie der Suchbegriff konnotiert ist.

Manche der Suchergebnisse aus der Datenbank erhalten als Installationen eine visuelle Form. Je ein Suchergebnis-Bündel wird dabei zu einer Animationsschleife, die auf eine, der Summe der Plakate entsprechenden, Fläche projiziert wird. In dieser installativen Form sind die Texte aus den Fotografien und damit aus ihrem ursprünglichen Kontext herausgelöst. In mehreren Ebenen übereinander gelegt sind die Texte jedes Bündels in dem zentralen, da ihnen allen gemeinsamen Begriff ausgerichtet.

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Die Gala


2009 - Intel Mac running OS-X 10.5 or higher, custom software

Fully functional out of focus web browser: Release 0.0.0a

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<![CDATA[Freeze revisited]]>

Freeze revisited

Freeze revisited
with Valentin Beinroth
Water, food color, flavours (coke, black currant, licorice, cherry), counter top freezer

Edible ice guns.

Kindly supported by Lounge Frankfurt.

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Ausstellungsansicht Detterer 2010


Video: Rotraut Pape

skip container, VW beetle frame

The piece "503" is named after the number the skip was assigned when it was still part of the ESO fleet1. The 7 m^3 (seven kubic meter) skip was taken out of current use and "married" to the shortened chassis of a Volkswagen Beetle.

Skips are utility objects: functional, unadorned, and somewhat honest. An uncompromising form that complies with DIN standards and features RAL colors. Their presence is of a temporary nature: they tend to turn up over night, get filled, and disappear again.

The work "503" plays with the ambivalent aesthetic of the functional. The contraption looks part utility and part military vehicle. It is big, angular, mobile, and makes its drivers feel like they rule the world, a boyhood dream come true, a "Jungsding".

„503“, der Titel der Arbeit, ist die Nummer des Containers, die er schon als Teil der ESO-Flotte trug. Aus dem laufenden Betrieb heraus wurde die 7 m^3 Absetzmulde mit einem gekürzten VW Käfer Fahrwerk „verheiratet“.

Container sind Gebrauchsgegenstände: funktional, ungeschönt und irgendwie ehrlich. Eine kompromisslose Form, die sich an DIN-Normen hält und in RAL-Farben daher kommt. Ihre Anwesenheit ist temporär: scheinbar tauchen sie über Nacht auf, füllen sich und verschwinden wieder.

Die Arbeit "503" spielt mit einer ambivalenten Ästhetik des Funktionalen. Das Mobil sieht aus wie eine Mischung aus einem Nutz- und einem Militärfahrzeug. Es ist gross, kantig, fahrbar und man thront in ihm über den Dingen, ein real gewordener Jungentraum, ein "Jungsding".

IG Schwazzelabbefett, ESO Offenbach, Sammlung Puck

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<![CDATA[Unscharf Maskieren]]>

Unscharf Maskieren

Unscharf Maskieren / Unsharp Mask
mixed felt-tip pens on A4 office paper

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<![CDATA[The Old And The Weak]]>

The Old And The Weak

The Old And The Weak / Die Alten und die Kranken
2004 - sticker on front door of the Goethe Institute of Athens

When i made this drawing Mickey Mouse (born 1928) just had it's 75th anniversary. He's always been one of my least liked figures by Disney since he's so super serious, overly smart, always in control and somewhat uncool.

The ancient greek considered the owl to be the bird of wisdom. As Burghart Schmidt lays out in the introduction to the exhibitions catalog (*), wisdom is not smartness, it's something far more original, it's not about being able to add things up, it's an understanding coming from deep within.

(*) David Borchers, "emporter des femmes a paris", Frankfurt 2004, ISBN 3-921 997-48-8

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<![CDATA[Strange Vehicles]]>

Strange Vehicles

Strange Vehicles
digital drawings, laserprint on office paper

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with Valentin Beinroth
water, black inks

Over a period of several hours Valentin Beinroth and Florian Jenett placed about 50 handgun replicas in downtown Frankfurt. The guns were made from tinted ice, making them look real at first sight. The two created realistic situations, leaving the replicas behind as if they were lost or dumped.

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1993 Toyota Corolla station wagon, brown carboard and tape

Back in the mid-90s, Florian Jenett wanted to go Can-Am racing. Never one to let obstacles dismay him, he ignored people that told him, “You can’t afford to go racing on a German artist’s salary” or “Can-Am racing died in 1974.” Instead, he put together the Corolla-based racecar you see here. Complete with a homemade K&N filter conversion (necessitating a hood bulge) and sans catalytic converter, it was capable of over 100mph — at which speed its handling became unpredictable.Wes Siler

Mitte der 1990er beschloß Florian Jenett Can-Am Rennen zu fahren. Unbeirrt ignorierte er alle Stimmen wie: „Mit dem Gehalt eines deutschen Künstlers kann man keine Rennen fahren“ oder „Can-Am Rennen sind seit 1974 tot“. Ganz im Gegenteil, er baute den Corolla-basierten Renner, den Sie hier sehen. Mit seinem K&N Luftansaugesystem (zu erkennen an der veränderten Motorhaube) und einen entfernten Katalysator erreicht er eine Geschwindigkeit von bis zu 160 km/h – darüber hinaus wurde er unlenkbar - Wes Siler

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<![CDATA[Freies Training]]>

Freies Training

Training Run / Freies Training
DVD Pal - Loop with sound - 4:37 min
site specific installation

The installation is about spaces that tell a story that can't easily be read anymore, about ordinary rooms and the phases they go through in their time of being. It's about moving into a new place and asking yourself where all these small stains and marks come from that former residents left behind.

The weariness of the exhibition space immediately raised the question about what might have happened in there. I could see someone dropping a cup of coffee and leaving a stain on the carpet, there were workers tearing open walls to repair the plumbing. Whatever i was about to do here, i will and have to leave my own stains behind, mark these rooms.

For a while i wanted to have my own private indoor-skatepark. The rooms, being on the fifth floor, were perfect for that since i would be able to look outside and down on the streets and houses while skating.

The video was cut in a way to on one hand give hints by sound and image but on the other support the room with a soundtrack. It's nearly musical character, partly being totally silent, partly having a rhythm, was like an abstract picture of the time i spent in the rooms. A temporary mark that would go hand-in-hand with the stains my skateboard-wheels left on the walls.

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Gallery Martina Detterer 2010


Sporty Animals / Renntiere
archival inkjet prints (~A3)

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Geekgardens / Strebergarten
with Adam Drobiec
2002 - 12x DVD Pal

This 12-piece video installation is about minimal motion, letting you view and experience the growth, movement, assembly and destruction of all kinds of bodies.

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Virus cards
1999 - laser print on office paper

For a while i've been collecting names of biological and computer viruses. I was interested in how these clever organisms would be named by us, their real and virtual hosts and vehicles.

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<![CDATA[Phishing At The River Of News, detail 2]]>

Phishing At The River Of News, detail 2

Detail of Phishing At The River Of News recorded on 2009-11-29 from Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

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Losing Your Head / Splitterköpfe
2000 - laserprint on office paper

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<![CDATA[Phishing At The River Of News, detail]]>

Phishing At The River Of News, detail

Detail of Phishing At The River Of News recorded on 2009-11-29 from Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

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Druckverhältnis / Pressure Ratio


The Universal Remedy / Allheilmittel
archival inkjet prints (~A3)

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<![CDATA[Lost Birds]]>

Gallery Martina Detterer 2010

Lost Birds

Lost Birds
archival inkjet prints (~A3 and ~A2)

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<![CDATA[Phishing At The River Of News, documentation]]>

Phishing At The River Of News, documentation

Documentation of Phishing At The River Of News.

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Black Eats White

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